Quick and Easy ways to Moderate your server

Discord Moderation done right

VEGAS2 provides a full suite of moderation tools for your server! Catch server invites the instant they are posted, delete spam messages automatically, and even prevent @everyone and @here raiders!

Vegas2 Home Page >> Vegas2 Commands >> Moderation Commands

Moderation Commands

The follow commands are all available to use by Server Members with a @Staff or @Moderator role. Additionally some commands have additional roles that give permissions to their functions. Those extra roles will be listed under each command. @Staff and @Moderator still apply and give permissions unless otherwise specified.

/strike member:<member> strike_role:<role> reason:<reason> [echo_channel:<channel>]

Strike a Member against a specific role. Strikes can be used as a type of warning tied to a specific role for logging or informational purposes. Functionally /strike and /warn do the same thing. /warn just does not associate a role with the warning.

member - Required. The Member to apply the strike to.
strike_role - Required. The Role to strike against.
reason - Required. The reason the Member is being struck for.
echo_channel - Optional. If provided, VEGAS2 will display the informational embed in the channel.

/warn member:<member> reason:<reason> [echo_channel:<channel>]

Also has permissions with @Can Warn. Warns a Member.

member - Required. The Member to apply the warn to.
reason - Required. The reason the Member is being warn for.
echo_channel - Optional. If provided, VEGAS2 will display the informational embed in the channel.

/kick member:<member> reason:<reason> [echo_channel:<channel>]

Also has permissions with @Can Kick. Kicks a member from the Server.

member - Required. The Member to kick.
reason - Required. The reason the Member is being kicked for.
echo_channel - Optional. If provided, VEGAS2 will display the informational embed in the channel.

/ban member:<member> reason:<reason> [echo_channel:<channel>]

Also has permissions with @Can Ban. Bans a member from the Server. If a #ban-log channel is setup all bans will be logged to this channel in addition to normal logging. The members ban reason and ID will be displayed.

member - Required. The Member to apply to ban.
reason - Required. The reason the Member is being banned for.
echo_channel - Optional. If provided, VEGAS2 will display the informational embed in the channel.

/remove_warn member:<member> or /remove_strike member:<member>

Displays an Embed with all warns/strikes for the provided Member. Each strike/warn date will be displayed below the Embed as buttons. Press the button to remove the warn or strike!

/slowmode [seconds:<number>] [minutes:<number>] [hours:<number>] channel:<channel>

Enables a channels slowmode for the provided time. Slowmode will force all members without Admin or Manage Messages Permissions to take X breaks between each message in the applied channel, where X is the provided time. All values (seconds, minutes, hours) are combined, so times like 3 minutes and 13 seconds are possible.

Auto Moderation Tools

VEGAS2 can even Mod for you! Below are some things VEGAS2 will just do in the background without any Staff or Mod input! Just automagic!

Discord Invite Filter

VEAGS2 will watch every message for Discord Invites. If an invite is detected the message will be removed and the Member will be warned. VEGAS2 will allow Members with the @Can Post Invites or Moderator role to bypass this filter.

Automatic Spam Filter

tl;dr - If a Member begins to spam the same message multiple times, VEGAS will delete and warn the Member for every spammed message after the 3rd. On the 5th spam message VEGAS2 will kick the member too!

VEGAS2 watches every message sent in every channel it can see. By default VEGAS2 will remember the last message a member sends for 1 minutes, after that 1 minutes the message is forgotten. If the member sends a message within that 1 minute VEGAS2 will check the newly sent message against the previously sent remembered message. If the two messages are identical, VEGAS2 will remember both messages for 3 minutes, then forget both. If the Member sends a third message that is identical to the first two, VEGAS2 will delete that message and warn the Member for spamming. Every future identical message will be treated the same. On the 5th identical message, VEGAS 2 will attempt to kick the member if the bot has the correct permissions.

@everyone and @here pings

When a Member pings @everyone or @here VEGAS2 will automatically remove the message and warn the Member. For best results we recommend making @everyone and @here non-mentionable.

Bad Word, Hate Speech, and Slur Filter

VEGAS2 will automatically check every message against a list of hate speech and slurs we have compiled. If a match is found the message is deleted and the Member is warned for using a Bad Word. You can see a current list of the Banned Words here. If you think we have missed a slur or think additional words should be added, you can open a requested on Gitlab.

This REGEX text filter was built and developed by @NukeOfficial#0370 (Discord ID: 158912060888055808).

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