Vegas2 Slash Commands

Flexible Commands made easy!

Many bots user complex text commands. You have to remember the command, what arguments it takes, what order they go in. Yuck. Vegas2 offers full slash command support! Just type the command name and Discord will auto complete the rest! Discord will display all required and optional arguments as well as providing builtin dropdowns for roles, server members and channels!

Vegas2 Home Page >> Vegas2 Commands

Public Commands and Utilities

The follow commands and utilities can be used by anyone in your server or guild. No specific roles or permissions are required.


Provides a way for your server members to create a single unique private channel to communicate directly with your Moderation Team! Easy to use, members just click a button and VEGAS2 does the rest! Learn more about tickets!


Staff members can tell VEGAS what roles all server members are allowed to pick from. Staff can also associate an emoji with these roles. Any server member can then send the role name or associated emoji and VEGAS2 will assign the member that role or remove it! Get more info on AutoRoles here!

Answer of the Day!

If your staff run the Question of the Day, your server members can also participate in Answer of the Day! Staff can react to the best or top voted answers with a pre-selected emoji. Vegas2 will ping the member, add their answer to the Question of the Day embed, lastly the answer will be displayed on your servers web leaderboard! Learn more about Question and Answers of the Day! (Premium Only)

Staff Commands

The following commands and utilities can be used by any member with a @Staff role in your server. We are working on more flexible/customizable permissions that allow you to set your own role per command. But for now it is limited!

Interactive Embeds

Vegas provides an Interactive Embed Editor feature that allows your server staff to create professional looking Embeds for announcements. One command and Vegas will walk you through all the steps! Learn about Interactive Embeds!


VEGAS2 provides a full moderation suite! Commands to Strike Members against specific rule violations, a full Warn system, commands to kick, ban, check users and run slowmodes. VEGAS also includes a full suite of spam tools that prevent members from pinging @everyone, @here or spamming more than 3 identical messages! Learn more about the Moderation suite!

Question of the Day

Question of the Day is a simple daily event for any server! VEGAS supports commands to add, list and post questions by date or ID. The question will also be posted to your web dashboard with all Answers of the Day too! Learn more about Question and Answers of the Day! (Premium)


Staff members can add and remove "AutoRoles" that all server members can toggle on and off through VEGAS2! Just provide an Emoji and Role and Vegas2 will handle the rest! Learn how you can use AutoRoles here!

XP & Leveled Roles

Keeping members engaged can be difficult, but VEGAS2 provides a complete and customizable XP suite to help! Members can earn XP for talking, you can award XP through commands and even set multipliers to affect a member long term! Add in Leveled Roles and VEGAS2 will also award Members special roles at certain XP amounts and congratulate them too! Learn how it all works!

Admin Commands


Sometimes you want to keep a channel for memories and history, but you don't really want it clogging up your categories. Some add Archive categories, but those have limits too. VEGAS2 can convert whole channels into single HTML files that are viewable in any browser! VEGAS2 can also save channel assets like images, videos and files to an external source so you don't lose anything! Not many archive tools do this! VEGAS2 does a lot of archiving, read about it here!

Event Logger

Never miss a beat in your server again, VEGAS2 logs it all! VEGAS2 will watch for nearly every event n your server and log what happened and what the end result was! Perfect for fast growing servers!


Make communication with your server members easier than ever with VEGAS2's ticketing utility! Once members click the "Create Ticket" button, a new channel will be created for that Member and your Mods only! You can then discuss the issue in private and allow them to upload any relevant information. At the end, use VEGAS2's built in Archive feature to archive the issue and save the HTML for logging! Read about VEGAS2's ticket system.

Managed Messages

Messages are kind of a mess to manage on Discord. Keeping important information pinned can get out of date quickly and is tied to a single account. Making a rules channel doesn't work well because it's tied to a one persons login and only they can edit it. Updating those messages are also a pain. Adding new information might go over the character limit, then you need to add new messages. Instead of going through that pain, let VEGAS2 manage your messages for you!

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